
Mix: Future Divan Groove

Posted: September 14th, 2009 | Author: mahmoud | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments »
My couch, for lounging purposes.

My couch, for lounging purposes.

A short mix for you today, heavy on the acid/future jazz. And songs in French.

Download: Future Divan Groove (foretold by mahmoud)

(mp3, VBR ~221kbps, 71MB, 44:56 running time)

For this mix, I set out to create something a bit more uptempo, but still chilled. I only ended up using 2 of the tracks I had planned to use. I also threw in a little surprise at the end, found in a rummage sale back in Nebraska.

As a whole, the mix is probably a bit too upbeat and bouncy for my sitting and working purposes, but it would be perfect in a chatty room. Especially if you want to sound classy (wink).

Umm, technical notes. Track 1 (Bibio) was not mixing with Track 4 (Manu Chao), mostly due to the upbeat, jazzy brass clashing of 4 a bit with the deeper bassline of 1. I tried to compensate by bridging with Track 2 (Flying Lotus) and Track 3 (Herbalizer). So the transition went (bass)->(simpler bass)->(bass+brass)->(brass+vocals). It turned out ok, I guess. The mix kind of started heavier and slowed down. I’m not sure why I put The Smiths in. I suppose I just wanted to hear some Morrissey. Track 9 (Plastyc Buddha) has some technical issue, maybe. See the tracklisting notes.

I think I’m going to start keeping my mixes shorter than 74 minutes. You know, in case someone needs a demo CD. Stay tuned, I have plans acookin’.


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  1. Bibio – Fire Ant
  2. Flying Lotus – Beginners Falafel
  3. The Herbalizer – Worldwide Connected
  4. Manu Chao – Le Rendez-vous
  5. General Elektriks – Tu M’intrigues
  6. dZihan and Kamien – Stiff Jazz
  7. A Forest Mighty Black – Everything
  8. Bonobo – If You Stayed Over (reprise)
  9. Plastyc Buddha – Clear Day
    I have no idea what is going on at 4:40 in this song. 3 versions I’ve downloaded, all have 4 measures of random house. I completely spaced this and had to go back and chop it out.
  10. Astrud Gilberto – Who Needs Forever
  11. Quantic – The 5th Exotic
  12. Funky Porcini – Venus