
VZDRSCP (P1+P2 = P3)

Posted: December 30th, 2009 | Author: matt | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , | Comments Off

VZDRSCP (3rd yr. architecture unl) from Matthew Joseph Conway on Vimeo.

Here is the digital presentation for my final in studio this year (Steve Hardy’s 3rd year studio).  This project was a combination of my earlier projects in the semester.  The first project dealt with typologies of office buildings and I decided to focus on fluidity and openness for my building.  I incorporated a lot of influence from my summer in Tokyo.  I was really fascinated with my experiences at the Yokohama International Port Terminal (pictured in boroboro’s second post!) and Omotesando Hills.  both these buildings had really unique circulation systems that dealt with bifurcating and spiral ramps.  For the second project I drew a lot of inspiration from superstructures and science fiction (mostly from M.A.D.’s Mobile China Town project).  I ended up creating a system of towers and platforms that connected the urban scene at every level.

Through countless sketches during classes other than my studio class (I have the notebooks to prove it) I was able to come up with a triangular form that could satisfy the demands for the combination of projects one and projects two: project three.  I really like the structure created in project three and I think the triangle spirals really flow nicely into each other.  Also upon connecting the various triangles to each other I discovered that they created a pattern similar to the pattern rural chinese market towns create.  I liked this so I kept it (it is also a pattern of the star of david).

The voice is provided by Andrew Hover and definitely gives the video its edge, along with the beats provided by Ratatat (One – 9 Beats).

Enjoy the video, right now I am working on the laser cutter in architecture hall trying to finish the physical model for this project.


Sod Haus

Posted: September 12th, 2009 | Author: matt | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , | 2 Comments »

Sod Haus OverviewThis was my second project in architectural school and still my favorite.  The project called for a visitor center to be installed in pioneer’s park, and the center was supposed to reflect the park’s history.  As a precedent I choose the early homesteaders, and investigated their use of the Earth to construct their homes.

I took this an evolved it, creating a structure that literally takes its form and material from the earth.  The buildings roof seems to flow down from the hill and peel back revealing the nature sanctuary inside.  The roof was intended to be covered in native Nebraskan prairie grasses and become an extension of the surrounding area.

Enjoy, someday I hope to design a building in my native Nebraska and I will undoubtedly use this as my jumping off point.

Also, my current professor recently came to my architecture college from the Architectural Association in London, and informed our class that the midwest is the only place that still uses wood, weird I know.