

Posted: July 10th, 2009 | Author: mahmoud | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , | Comments Off

ThreeBoroboro begins here. It’s the idea that three friends can have a bit of fun with art together. Boroboro enables us to post and talk about our endeavors. Hit the about page for details, but basically:

Matt does architecture, DJs, and does some graphic design.

Ariel draws and does some video and photography.

Mahmoud (that’s me) DJs, photographs some, and handles some of the more technical aspects of things.

Now that’s pretty general. We do all sorts of projects, individually and together. And not just us; turns out, there’s a lot of art going on underneath our noses, so watch for the guest posts. Boroboro’s basically all your local art, conveniently around the Internet corner.

We’ll start by posting some of our older stuff. Eventually, we’re aiming for one or two posts per week, but you know, we’re pretty casual. This is a hobby for all of us, so we gotta make it last. If you think you might like to share, drop me a line.

In the meantime, sit back and subscribe.